My Projects

  • In 2011 I opened my GitHub account where you can see all my projects that I have worked and work on.
  • PostgreSQL Driver for SugarCRMSome time ago I worked heavily on SugarCRM Community Edition 5.5 in order to add support to the database PostgreSQL .The implementation process was quite complex because of the many “if $ dbType …” scattered left and right for the source code. With the introduction of version 6.4 of SugarCRM, I was able to appreciate the work done on the level of access to data in the data base, which is why I decided to port the DB driver on the 6.4 version of the SugarCRM. To my surprise, after a little time, I achieved good results!
  • Virtual Appliance SugarCRM CE 6.5 PostgreSQLThis virtual machine contains the installation of SugarCRM Community Edition 6.5 + PostgreSQL as database.
  • WSO2 WSF/PHP Linux Virtual Appliance: WSO2 is growing up, I look for almost 3 years with great attention to this growth of Open Source Middleware. WSO2′s not just an observer, I almost immediately adopted the framework WSO2 WSF/PHP to develop Web services in enterprise applications.
  • J-SugarCRM UserSync: A plugin to define integration as it allows the interaction between the two systems: Joomla and SugarCRM. The object of the integration are the users of the system Joomla, which through the plugin are synchronized with the respective users of SugarCRM, all of this is done through the technology that is the basis of Web Services.
  • J-SugarCRM Authentication Plugin: With this plugin, you can allow access to your portal powered by Joomla, users of your SugarCRM.