Tagged: Virtual Appliance
A few months ago I responded to a question (MS-SQL Linux Connector) on the SugarCRM community. The question is the following: Ok. Built a Ubuntu server using the version per the OS supported guide. Followed...
Nei precedenti articoli pubblicati su questo blog, ho introdotto il progetto di supporto a PostgreSQL per il CRM Open Source SugarCRM (edizione Community Edition). Per consentire la verifica veloce della “bontà” del supporto, ho...
I just released a new version of the Virtual Appliance. The update includes version 6.5 of SugarCRM CE aligned with the repository https://github.com/amusarra/sugarcrm_dev_PostgreSQL. For more information on this Virtual Appliance see the URL http://susestudio.com/a/2Vav5p/sugarcrm-ce-6-5-postgresql...
A few days ago, John Mertic has published a blog post of SugarCRM, the release of the driver PostgreSQL for SugarCRM Community Edition . The complete source tree is available on my GitHub repository at https://github.com/amusarra/sugarcrm_dev_PostgreSQL . Simultaneously with...
Nei giorni scorsi John Mertic ha pubblicato con un post sul blog di SugarCRM, il rilascio del driver PostgreSQL per SugarCRM Community Edition. Il source tree di SugarCRM CE completo dei driver è disponibile sul...
Some time ago I worked heavily on SugarCRM Community Edition 5.5 in order to add support to the database PostgreSQL .The implementation process was quite complex because of the many “if $ dbType …” scattered left and right for the...
Qualche tempo fa ho lavorato pesantemente su SugarCRM 5.5 Community Edition con lo scopo di aggiungere il supporto al data base PostgreSQL. L’operazione d’implementazione è stata abbastanza complessa a causa dei tanti “if $dbType...
I adopted WSO2 WSF/PHP as a framework for developing Web services in enterprise-type environments, not to be underestimated is the aspect that concerns the accession to the most common WS-*. In such environments is...