Repository Update: Standalone JDBC Template Spring Application

In this repository is available a sample project that shows how easy it is to implement a standalone application using the Spring Framework (v. 3.2.2) and is able to manipulate data in a database. Access to the database is done using the component’s Spring JDBC Template.

Standalone JDBC Template Spring Application
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This simple project shows how to implement simple CRUD operations (via JDBC Template) on an entity called Horse. The entity is defined as:

  • Name: Name of the horse;
  • Age: Age of horse;
  • Type: Breed of the horse;
  • Color Mantle
  • Chip Id: ID chip of the horse.

The Spring JDBC Template has the following advantages compared with standard JDBC:

  • The Spring JDBC template allows to clean-up the resources automatically, e.g. release the database connections;
  • The Spring JDBC template converts the standard JDBC SQLExceptions into RuntimeExceptions. This allows the programmer to react more flexible to the errors.

For the configuration of the beans are used exclusively annotations.

Ready to get started? Very well. Follow these steps to run the sample application on the fly.


Antonio Musarra

I began my journey into the world of computing from an Olivetti M24 PC ( bought by my father for his work. Day after day, quickly taking control until … Now doing business consulting for projects in the enterprise application development using web-oriented technologies such as J2EE, Web Services, ESB, TIBCO, PHP.

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