Category: Featured
WSO2 ESB Balance SugarCRM Proxy Service
SugarCRM Proxy Service . The transport is able to receive and send messages on a multitude of protocols, both of the level of transport of…
WSO2 ESB SugarCRM Proxy Service
The article was created and inspired by a request sent to me a few days ago. Exactly the question read: How can I configure a Proxy Service for SugarCRM on WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)? The answer to the question was simple enough and in the course of this article we will see how easy it is to configure a Proxy Service.
Extend SugarCRM Web Services?
Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano. SugarCRM fornisce attraverso delle API esposte come Web Services la possibilità di realizzare integrazioni con altri sistemi, consentendo a questi ultimi la lettura e la scrittura...
How to configure Liferay 6.1 for PostgreSQL
Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano. Nel precedente articolo Come configurare Eclipse per Liferay Portal in Mac OS X, pubblicato sul mio blog, abbiamo visto come configurare un ambiente di sviluppo completo per...