How to use the Liferay Portal Client Example

A few days ago, I made ​​a simple example of using the Liferay Client Library. The project is based on Maven. Below are shown the steps needed to perform a test. I remember that the operations performed by the sample program are:

  • Performs login on Liferay;
  • Retrieves the CompanyID based on the virtualhost;
  • Retrieve UserId of the user to ScreenName and CompanyID;
  • Retrieves the GroupId of the site Guest;
  • Performs the upload of a document on the Document Library site Guest.
$ git clone git://
$ cd liferay-portal-client-example/
$ mvn package

List 1. Clone repository and build the package

$ cd target/
$ java -jar portal-client-example-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar

List 2. Run the portal client example

[00:18:15,816 INFO UploadDocumentOnDL]: Try lookup User Service by End Point: http://will:will@localhost:8080/api/secure/axis/Portal_UserService...
[00:18:16,176 INFO UploadDocumentOnDL]: Try lookup Company Service by End Point: http://will:will@localhost:8080/api/secure/axis/Portal_CompanyService...
[00:18:16,343 INFO UploadDocumentOnDL]: Get UserID...
[00:18:16,378 INFO UploadDocumentOnDL]: UserId for user named will is 11801
[00:18:16,378 INFO UploadDocumentOnDL]: Try lookup Group Service by End Point: http://will:will@localhost:8080/api/secure/axis/Portal_GroupService...
[00:18:16,441 INFO UploadDocumentOnDL]: Found the group Guest (GroupId: 19) to publish the document
[00:18:16,441 INFO UploadDocumentOnDL]: Try lookup DL App Service by End Point: http://will:will@localhost:8080/api/secure/axis/Portlet_DL_DLAppService...
[00:18:16,922 INFO UploadDocumentOnDL]: The file BenchmarkingSugarOnSolaris-SugarCon2009.pdf has been correctly added to liferay
[00:18:16,922 INFO UploadDocumentOnDL]: File Id:13101
[00:18:16,922 INFO UploadDocumentOnDL]: File Size: 735142
[00:18:16,922 INFO UploadDocumentOnDL]: File Version: 1.0

List 3. Show the performed tasks.

Figure 1 - List View of the Document Library

Figure 1 - List View of the Document Library

Figure 2 - Detail View of the document inserted by SOAP Services

Figure 2 - Detail View of the document inserted by SOAP Services

Antonio Musarra

I began my journey into the world of computing from an Olivetti M24 PC ( bought by my father for his work. Day after day, quickly taking control until … Now doing business consulting for projects in the enterprise application development using web-oriented technologies such as J2EE, Web Services, ESB, TIBCO, PHP.

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