How to use the Liferay Portal Client Example
A few days ago, I made a simple example of using the Liferay Client Library. The project is based on Maven. Below are shown the steps needed to perform a test. I remember that the...
The ideal solution for a problem
A few days ago, I made a simple example of using the Liferay Client Library. The project is based on Maven. Below are shown the steps needed to perform a test. I remember that the...
In the past and recently I got to be among two systems, one of which Liferay. The system in the middle, was Mule ESB, the mediator between the two systems. The first of the...
In passato e recentemente ho avuto modo di essere in mezzo a due sistemi, uno dei quali Liferay. Il sistema di mezzo era Mule ESB, mediatore tra i due sistemi. Il sistema uno pubblicava una...
SugarCRM[1] espone all’esterno il core delle proprie funzionalità pubblicandole come Web Services, quindi niente di più semplice che creare un client Java, C#, C++, PHP e chi più ne ha più ne metta per interagire con...