Alloy UI Autocomplete Portlet
In the previous article I explained how to create a combo box with Autocomplete function. The data in the combo box are acquired via Ajax. You can find the bar of the portlet to the following address: Alloy UI Autocomplete Ajax Portlet Example.
You can still get the WAR file to deploy on your application server in a few simple steps:
- Clone the repository liferay-aui-autocomplete-ajax-example
- Build and package a WAR by Maven
See example below. On your system is required to have Maven installed and connected to the Internet.
$ git clone $ cd liferay-aui-autocomplete-ajax-example/ $ mvn package
Source 1 - Sequence of the commands for get the WAR.
Inside the target directory you will find the WAR file (liferay-aui-autocomplete-ajax-example-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war).