How to build Liferay 7.1

A few days ago I received the email to participate in the Liferay 7.1 Community Beta ProgramI enrolled in the program but I still have not received any confirmation e-mails and instructions for downloading the new version of Liferay 7.1. @Jamie Sammons said the beta program is scheduled for launch along with Liferay 7.1 Alpha 1, which is expected to be released in the early part of March. Very well!

I was very curious to see this new release and obviously I did not break down: I build the new version directly from the sources.

If you are also impatient to wait, you can get your version of Liferay 7.1 by building directly from the sources like this:

$ git clone --branch 7.1.x --single-branch --depth 1 liferay-portal-7.1
$ export ANT_OPTS="-Xmx2048m"
$ ant all

Once the compilation is complete, you can start the portal in this way:

$ cd ../bundles
$ ./tomcat-8.0.32/bin/

In Figure 1 the Welcome Page highlighting the new version of Liferay 7.1.0 M1 CE.

Figure 1 - How To Build Liferay 7.1 Welcome Page

Figure 1 - How To Build Liferay 7.1 Welcome Page

The first thing I noticed was a slight makeover (Bootstrap 4) but under the hood there is a lot more work. Through the GogoShell I extracted the list of bundles for version 7.0 and 7.1 and found a difference of about 200 bundles. For version 7.0 there are 578 bundles while the 7.1 version has as many as 751 bundles.

This big difference is due to the fact that several bundles have been reviewed and divided into APIs and Implementation. For example, the Liferay Portal Security SSO CAS bundle on 7.1 was split into two: Liferay Portal Security SSO CAS API and Liferay Portal Security SSO CAS Implementation.

These are some of the main components we find on Liferay 7.1:

  • Liferay Adaptive Media
  • Liferay Fragment
  • Liferay HTML Preview
  • Liferay Text Localizer
  • Liferay User Associated Data
  • Liferay Reading Time
  • Liferay Frontend Taglib Clay
  • Liferay Frontend Taglib Chart
  • Liferay Frontend Compatibility IE
  • Liferay Frontend JS Top Head Extender
  • Liferay Portal Search Elasticsearch 6

An important step is the adoption of Elasticsearch 6, exactly version 6.1.3 (and 7.1.0 of Lucene) with the following plugins included:

  • analysis-icu: The ICU Analysis plugin integrates the Lucene ICU module into elasticsearch, adding extended Unicode support using the ICU libraries, including better analysis of Asian languages, Unicode normalization, Unicode-aware case folding, collation support, and transliteration;
  • analysis-kuromoji: The Japanese (kuromoji) Analysis plugin integrates Lucene kuromoji analysis module into elasticsearch.
  • analysis-smartcn: The Smart Chinese Analysis plugin integrates Lucene’s Smart Chinese analysis module into elasticsearch.
  • analysis-stempel: The Stempel Analysis plugin integrates Lucene’s Stempel analysis module for Polish into elasticsearch.


Now it seems that Liferay Adaptive Media is available OOTB on Liferay 7.1, before it was only available on Marketplace.

From what I have seen, Liferay has big plans for CMS in Liferay 7.1. Their intent seems very clear to me: making the content and site management experience the best on the market.

I hope I have aroused your curiosity. At this point I do not exclude that for my blog I decide to switch from WordPress to Liferay 7.1!

Antonio Musarra

I began my journey into the world of computing from an Olivetti M24 PC ( bought by my father for his work. Day after day, quickly taking control until … Now doing business consulting for projects in the enterprise application development using web-oriented technologies such as J2EE, Web Services, ESB, TIBCO, PHP.

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