Antonio Musarra's Blog Blog
Develop “happily” on Liferay 7 / DXP and everything works correctly on your local environment. When the fateful moment of deployment in different environments from your own, someone calls you telling you that your...
A few weeks ago I saw the post Liferay integration on the Liferay forum of the year 2010. Certainly the post is a little old-fashioned and personally at that time I didn’t even...
For the development of a project based on Liferay 7, I had to create a module for job management. Scheduler Manager Gogo Shell Commands implements a set of Gogo Shell commands that handle Liferay jobs....
The last release of Liferay Portal 7 CE GA4 on June 28, 2017 was very significant regarding the Apache CXF framework that Liferay adopted for the AX-WS/JAX-RS stack. The most significant change is the...
I have received numerous appreciations from the Liferay Community for implementing support for commercial databases on Liferay 7 Community Edition. All this made me very happy. Initially I realized a project for each type of...
Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano. u questo blog, qualche giorno addietro, abbiamo affrontato la problematica su Come abilitare HTTPS su Apache Karaf Pax Web. Prima di abilitare il protocollo HTTPS, se ben...
Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano. uante volte ci siamo trovati nella condizione di combattere con la configurazione del protocollo HTTPS? Sicuramente una miriade di volte e mai andata a buon fine a primo...
Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano. Negli ultimi anni, con il crescente fiorire dei dati “BIG”, si è andato sempre più affermando il linguaggio di programmazione Scala, il quale sembra proprio aver...