Liferay 7.1: How to add support for Oracle DB
In March 2016 I published the article Liferay 7 CE: How to add support for Oracle DB which showed how to add support for Oracle Database to Liferay 7 Community Edition, then in May 2017...
The ideal solution for a problem
In March 2016 I published the article Liferay 7 CE: How to add support for Oracle DB which showed how to add support for Oracle Database to Liferay 7 Community Edition, then in May 2017...
In the article Liferay 7: The liferay cluster is back and how to get it published in 2017, we saw how to build the OSGi bundles to add cluster support to Liferay 7.0 GA5. After a...
Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano. Ricorderete sicuramente l’articolo Come consumare un servizio SOAP con Pentaho DI scritto da Alessandro Nizzo, dove l’autore mostrava step-by-step come consumare un servizio SOAP all’interno di...
A few days ago I received the email to participate in the Liferay 7.1 Community Beta Program. I enrolled in the program but I still have not received any confirmation e-mails and instructions for downloading...
Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano. Qualche giorno addietro ho pubblicato l’articolo Liferay Portal Security Audit con l’obiettivo di spiegare cosa sia e come funziona il sistema di Security Audit di Liferay,...
The objective is very clear from the title of the article, although in reality, this wants to be an addition to the official documentation of Liferay, which reports in the section JSF Portlets with...
On October 23, 2017, Liferay 7 Community Edition GA5 was released. The great news was the return of the cluster. Unfortunately cluster support is not distributed along with the Liferay bundle (tomcat, wildfly). The New...
Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano. Se sei arrivato fino a qui, immagino che tu sappia i fondamenti di WeDeploy e quello che potresti farci. Molto bene. Pensiamo subito a come poter...