Tagged: PHP

Activate the PDO Informix module in Zend Server 5 0

Activate the PDO Informix module in Zend Server 5

This brief article draws on an issue raised by a colleague of mine about not being able to load the PHP module PDO Informix on Microsoft Windows platform. The resolution of the problem is very simple, it is similar to that described in The Ultimate Guide of: Mac OS X Snow Leopard, Informix, PHP 5.3 & PDO , the only difference is the execution platform, ie, Microsoft Windows.

Doxygen for Mac OS X in Action 0

Doxygen for Mac OS X in Action

Continuando la serie di articoli dedicata alla documentazione del software iniziata con l’articolo PHP Documentation APIs on the fly, vedremo come generare la documentazione del nostro software utilizzando Doxygen[1] per Mac OS X. Questo articolo...